(863) 800-0798
Lakeland , FL
Helping to restore the relationship between law enforcement and citizens
"First and foremost, we want to clarify that we are not against Police officers. In fact, this effort is being conducted by a group of former and current police officers along with several community leaders."
Rate A Cop Citizens on Patrol is a publicly accessible database designed to afford citizens the opportunity to report and record everyday police interactions. This app allows you to rate your encounter with a Police officer named or anonymously. The overall misconception is that many police officers are bad, we aim to prove that (like with all walks of life) there are just a few apples that are spoiling the bunch.
We provide a platform that elevates the voices of the citizens. We track police interactions with the public (good and bad) to have a detailed account of police encounters from the citizen’s viewpoint.
We will use our database to fight for counseling, re-training, reprimand, reclass, or removal of any officers that display behaviors that prove to be harmful to the efforts and the stature of the shield that they wear.
We also plan to reward officers and precincts for their exemplary service, interactions and efforts.
We will help to repair the relationships between the police force and the communities they serve by working with police departments to assimilate proper protocols and procedures when having an officer involved encounter so that both the officer and the citizen feels safe and respected.
Our team will also host community events that will foster personal relationships between the police and its citizens an eventually mend the wounds that hinder the rapport.