(863) 800-0798
Lakeland , FL
Senior and Veteran Assistance Program
Mission Statement
We Are Now (WAN), Incorporated is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote, develop, train and educate at-risk young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their communities.
Program Objectives
WAN’s overall goal is to effect social change in at-risk youth by providing youth development programming that increases their resilient attributes and decreases at-risk factors such as gang violence, drugs, alcohol, and teen pregnancy through appealing healthy adventure challenges. To improve participating youth’s life skills, including leadership, self- confidence, communication, problem-solving, team building, and trust; To increase the perception of healthy life styles and a sense of purpose and future; To provide at-risk youth with adult mentors that hold healthy beliefs and clear standards; To provide activities that allow at-risk youth to be successful in building social and behavioral skills; To provide at-risk youth with activities in a caring and supportive environment; To provide at-risk youth with opportunities to participate in activities that produce a sense of usefulness and responsibility; and To provide at-risk youth with clear and attainable goals.
• Develop self-discipline and study habits
• Improve basic academic skills
• Behaviors/Skills
• Improve attendance
• Improve GPA
• Increased self-discipline and monitoring
• Foster partnerships with local businesses to employ youth
• Develop partnerships that will Increase exposure and participation for other youth programs
• Develop responsibility and respect/care about others
• Increased State Testing Scores
• Increased Grades
• Increased Attendance
• Decreased Dropout Rates
• Decreased Disciplinary Action
• Increased knowledge and participation of available benefits for seniors and veterans
• Prepare for job/ career paths
• Their own desire to graduate from high school
• Their own desire to explore and learn
• Increased community pride and presence
• Decrease or eliminate delinquent behaviors
• Develop leadership abilities
• Importance of volunteerism
• Decreased delinquent behaviors such as tagging, bullying
• Increased knowledge and awareness of: Young adults who are drug free, fit, have balanced diets, and no not smoke, drink in excess or use drugs, are free of gang and other criminal behavior
Executive Summary
Adolescence is the pivotal period between childhood and adulthood. It is the time when youth need to acquire the attitudes, competencies, values, and social skills that will carry them forward to successful adulthood. It is also the time when they need to avoid choices and behaviors that will limit their future potential. Parents and families play a crucial role in helping young people navigate this phase. In the past, schools, neighborhoods, and communities extended and enhanced positive development and supported young people. In recent decades, social forces have changed both the landscape of family and community life and the expectations for young people. A combination of factors have weakened the informal community support once available to young people: high rates of family mobility; greater anonymity in neighborhoods, where more parents are at work and out of the home and neighborhood for long periods, and in schools, which have become larger and much more heterogeneous; extensive media exposure to themes of violence and heavy use and abuse of drugs and alcohol; and, in some cases, the deterioration and disorganization of neighborhoods and schools as a result of crime, drugs, and poverty. At the same time, today’s world has become increasingly complex, technical, and multicultural, placing new and challenging demands on young people in terms of education, training, and the social and emotional skills needed in a highly competitive environment. Finally, the length of adolescence has extended to the mid- to late twenties, and the pathways to adulthood have become less clear and more numerous.
We Are Now, Inc. has a plan to address many of the issues that our kids face today. In order to achieve our objectives, we have created several initiatives. Benjamin “Benjo” Morgan Prep and Behind the Screen are the core programs waged against the fight to derail our youth. Through these exciting programs, we plan to meet our objectives. With various local colleges and universities, we have conducted research to devise an intense curriculum to prepare our members to write, film, edit, direct, and produce several entertaining shows. Our aim is to inspire, motivate and direct youth because we feel that a child with direction has a map to a successful future. Our Behind the Screen program gives children the opportunity to express themselves in many ways including acting, directing, singing, and dancing. Highlighting the positive roles that our children portray in our communities will be integrated into our program as well. We intend to reveal the true essence of who our kids are and who they can be.